Wednesday, March 3, 2010

crap email in the customer service industry

As is pretty common with my crap emails, this one is in ticketing:
You guys are FUCKED!!!  When people are checking out you only show the prices for the tickets and nothing about any service charges.  You guys know that no one actually reads the long list of bullshit that's listed in the terms and conditions and you count on that.  At least other ticket sites have the common courtesy to show how much service fees are before you actually check out.   You guys SUCK!!!! GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!  I'LL NEVER BUY FROM YOU GUYS AGAIN!!!   Now I have to pay overdraft fees to my bank so what was supposed to be $60 for four tickets has become $125!!!  FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then ten minutes later the guy sends another email:
Sorry, Please disregard my last email.  I just looked at your site again and saw the extra charges at check out.  MY BAD!!!! I guess I just wasn't payin' attention. Sorry for the harsh email I sent previously!!!

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