Saturday, March 13, 2010

Get-rich-quick, aka blogging is the new San Francisco gold rush

Sometimes I question my motives for wanting to write this blog. It gets hard to sort out what it is I'm actually trying to do or say here. I really enjoy writing my posts on the ways in which society sucks at dealing with HALF of its population (womankind) and I also enjoy writing about social constructions and pop culture and pretty dresses--you name it. I think I may have overdone the whole social networking aspect of the internet in the past few months, namely because I'm beginning to be saturated with the idea of the get-rich-quick scheme that blogging offers. We've all seen Julie and Julia, right? A movie whose central theme is, essentially, that if you are dissatisfied with your life and aren't living up to your own expectations, you can write a blog, get famous, have a movie made of your subsequent book, and then totally find yourself in the middle of all of the success you wanted to begin with.

Yeah, I wouldn't mind it if I landed a book deal (although I hardly expect to land a bookdeal with a blog as hodge-podge as mind) but I can't help but feel those twinges of hope and jealousy whenever I encounter the latest tumblr or blog that has made its way into the upper echelons of blogdom: the Published Book. I can name so many off the top of my head: postcards from yo momma, Dealbreakers (NOT related to the Liz Lemon book), Julie's cooking blog, etc etc.

But I'm carving out my internet niche because this blog was started in the throes of my post-graduation depression. I wanted to write about all the things that cycle in on me when I have depressive trains of thought--how the world can seem so meaningless--and I channeled that energy into expressing my outrage at the various and sundry gender injustices there are the in the world. I will still continue doing that, and I will still continue writing this blog, but I wanted to acknowledge the fact that there is also a part of me that hopes to get to 10,000 views and hopes to be written about somewhere else, some part of me that is disingenuous and ambitious and that part sometimes gets in the way of the actual writing and productivity.


  1. Hey there! STFUParents here. Just wanted to clarify that I have NOT gotten a book deal from my blog ;). Thanks!

  2. Ok! Sorry for the misinformation! I am genuinely shocked you even made it to my little corner of the internet world but I will edit that immediately.


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