Monday, March 15, 2010

Am I a misandrist/On attempting to be "out" as a feminist

I am a feminist.

No, I'm not a misandrist.

And no, I don't think claiming the term "feminism" means that I am only a second wave white woman who believes in the rights of rich white woman but can't see past her own white nose.

I try to be all encompassing. I argue with people that I am a humanist.

Feminism has clearly needed a new definition for a while. I have heard and read so many countless weak excuses about claiming the word "feminist." Some people, some WOMEN, seem to think that their journey is over as an advocate for social justice.

For example:

"I'm not a feminist but...[insert remark about how this totally sexist/racist/classist thing REALLY SUCKS.]"

Um, no duh. You are a feminist because you hate the fact that all women are objectified in the media or because you hate the fact that black women are told they are undesirable to marry or because if you are a homeless woman you are more likely to have multiple sexual assaults then a homeless man. You are a feminist, so suck it up and claim the term.

Listen, I get the fact that you probably think that feminism is some historical term that refers to a bunch of bra-burning (that didn't happen btw) hippie women in the 70s who are so out of touch with what women really have going for them today. "That was then, when women were slapped on the ass in the workplace and placed under curfew at college," you think to yourself. "This is now, where I can be whatever I want--a doctor, a scientist, a writer--and no magazine tells me how I perceive my own body and no man tells me what I can or cannot do."

All right then! Go pat yourself on the back! Go have a drink at a bar and flirt with some guy. Have a couple more drinks to celebrate. But if you wake up tomorrow in a strange place and you realize that there is semen on your leg and you don't remember consenting to ANYTHING, you might view the situation differently when the subsequent rape trial blames YOU for being drunk, instead of your rapist for RAPING.

Yes, I brought up the rape card. Because sexual violence and feminism are two discussions that go hand in hand.

As are racism and feminism. As are homophobia and feminism. As are trans-hate and feminism. As are all things that have to deal with gender, i.e. being a human and existing in this society.

Feminism, as a movement, is here to try to end social injustice. That is it. It is not trying to prioritize women over men, or prioritize white women over black women, or poor people over rich people. It recognizes the concept of intersecting identities. If you disavow feminism, you are disavowing the struggle to bring PEACE to human race.

/If any of this sounds familiar to you, maybe it is. I write this tremulously, hoping that I won't piss anyone off, but the fact of the matter is that I worry myself. Sometimes I feel like I need to "come out of the closet" as a feminist because I am quite the chameleon. Sometimes I swallow my tongue and what I'm truly thinking. This blog is here for me to explore these thoughts. And one thought I have is--why do I have to feel like I'm covering up my feminism? You will never hear me say "I'm not a feminist, but" but you will most certainly see me sit silent while some poor girl gets lambasted for having a wrecked body. Maybe it all women's bodies weren't up for consumption at all times, we wouldn't have to be feel so guilty when we are silent in these discussions.

So anyway, reconsider the label for me, please?

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