Monday, January 4, 2010

In the meantime, a links list

Hello All!

It's January 2010 and I'm not giving much of a crap about the whole new decade distinction just yet. Maybe it's because I recently started another soul sucking corporate job but DAMN SON. I'm probably gonna use company time tomorrow to write something that is really thought provoking and shizNITE but tonight I'm just gonna let everybody in on some links I've been really into:

what claudia wore
: a blog that reblogs every description of what the character Claudia Kishi wore in the Babysitter Club books. If you know me, you know that I love this. If you don't me, you should love the fact that this "fierce bitch" (as the blogger puts it) wears shirts with cacti on them.

dealbreaker: a tumblr that lists all the ways in which a relationship "can stop dead in its tracks." fun for snark, not fun if you're feeling insecure about the ways you ruined your relationship.

poladroid: make your digital photos look like polaroids. see banner above for an example. it's also the cutest program you ever ran on your computer if you so choose to download it.

bringing Moby back: my BFFers and I have been on this mission for a long time, but now there's a facebook group to commemorate it. Please, dear god, PLEASE help bring Moby back!

twitter: to which you all say, duh? But can I get a what what for how much I love using that website to find the links on Etsy I really care about? I mean, that is about 90% of what I use twitter for.


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