Monday, January 25, 2010

crap email in the customer service industry

Recently a friend of mine who works in a customer service segment of a ticketing company forwarded me a crazed email that some disgruntled customer sent in to one of her colleagues. The email is shocking in its vulgarity, creativity, racism, and vitriol. As someone who has been on both ends of the customer service spectrum (I've worked in retail and I've also yelled at a debt collector on the phone), I'm filled with a bewildered appreciation for how truly awesome this email is. So I present it to you, dear reader, with identifying information redacted to protect all of those involved:

Dear [redacted],

I want to thank you for your quick email and now I want you to do me a favor.

Please print out the email that you sent me roll it up in a ball and shove it in your ass.

And the rest of the clowns that work with you can all go fuck yourselves.

Why the fuck would you tell me that the tickets would be available at 3pm [redacted city] time when you no well that there was going to be nothing there.They dont even know who you people are.

Between yesterday and today I spent 4 hours of my life trying to pick up my tickets that have been paid for for a long time and now your fucking with me well I tell you what, either you can get on a plane and come to [redacted city] or you can wait until I get back to the states and you can make it up to me and blow me for four hours.

My question to you sweetie is where the fuck are the tickets? Why would I buy the tickets from you with the knowlegde that I can have the tickets 72 hours before so that I dont have to fuck with all these monkies down here on the day of the show? I know why because I am an asshole and purchased them from you clowns and became a member of a piece of shit fan club. I could have purchased the tickets with someone local and I would have had the tickets weeks ago.

I hope that tomorrow someone shows up with the tickets you fucks!

That´s all for now, Take care, have a nice day and thank you for everything!

P.S. fuck you all!

This email is so inspiring it's got me thinking: perhaps there should be a blog for all of those offensive customer service emails that people have to deal with at work? Would you be interested in reading that?

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