Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moving on and Moving out

Man, this week has been intense on the Moving on and Moving out front. I finally got a job (yay!) but the pay in peanuts and it's in retail--which means no thanksgiving. That's right. I have no time off for Thanksgiving except Thanksgiving day, so I'm not going home to NC. That news hit me harder than I thought it was going to, especially since I spent Halloween throwing up, so I guess it's just a no-holidays fall for me. I'm hoping that I'll get at least 3 days to go home for Christmas because if I don't, well, I might just have to quit. We'll see how it goes though.

I also have worked three temp jobs this week, which was cool and all, but man, commuting to downtown is a BITCH. I always hit rush hour and it's just like....I can feel everyone's collective stress building up in my spine. I love riding trains, and I love living in a city with a river, but damn, commuters! Everyone CALM DOWN. I hate finding that I'm practically running while I'm walking in order to keep pace with everyone, just because people aren't willing to have a moment of their precious time slowed down.

But I digress. I just wanted to check in today and link to this sculptor named Mari Kasurinen who makes My Little Pony sculptures. Apparently I'm just really into people who remake dolls and other toys...probably because I want those skills myself. These sculptures she makes are absolutely amazing, no question, and she sells that shit for 600 bucks a pop! Awesome!

I'm about to undertake a really big ANTM-related listicle for the blog, so be on the look out for that.

Love to all.

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