Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Moving on and Moving Out: observations

While I was getting off the train today I walked behind two noteworthy people that I felt I had to share with someone. My roommate is at work (for once! uh guh guh guh, please don't take this personally dear roommate oh god what have I done will the home environment be the same PLEASE SOMEONE THINK OF THE CAT). So I turn to you, my readers. Because that's what everybody wants out of a blog they read. For their blogger to needless tell them details about their day. Hey, if you're single and petting a cat right now: I'm here for you. I try to do what I can for the little people.

To continue on my train of snarkathon 2009, I decided to dub this a moving and moving out post because I recently switched the formatting on the way tags are displayed (didja notice?) and every time I tag something with consistency, it makes the word BIGGER. Oh my god this is meta, what I'm writing about right now, which is me writing about the blog that I am writing, did you see what I did there?

(btw honest to god this is normally what I'm like when I get home from work because I have to be mostly silent all day).

So, some shit that I experienced today (oh hell, shit I experienced recently):

1) Three Douchey McDouchersons in the corporate cafeteria (Yes I work for a big ass building downtown for a big ass corporation, and NO please do NOT post the name of my Corp in the comments if you know what it is...oh yeah I quit that other job I had. Kthxbai.) were talking about some test that they had to take. This may have been the SAT writing portion for all I know. Then this one guy, he gets all excited about what he wrote in his essay. "OH MY GOD," he tells his friends, "I WROTE ABOUT VONNEGUT ON THE ESSAY." OMG sez his friends. "YES I KNOW! I FELT SO AWESOME, DROPPING ALL THAT KNOWLEDGE. SO WHEN I WAS WRITING, IT WAS LIKE ABOUT THAT BOOK THAT HAD THE BOYS ON THE ISLAND AND ONE WAS A BAD BOY AND ONE WAS A GOOD BOY AND EVERYBODY LIKED THE BAD BOY." of his friends meekly says "isn't that lord of the flies?" Douche goes on "AND THE BEST PART IS THAT UNDERPAID GRAD STUDENTS ARE GRADING THIS SHIT SO I'M SURE THEY JUST ATE IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111"

William Golding, dude, and, uh, your friend was RIGHT. Who the hell thinks lord of the flies is vonnegut anyway? Uh guh guh guh, god, corporate financial types, they are the shit that the flies from lord of the flies are buzzing around. Or, as is the case in lord of the flies, dead pig heads on stick. Zing!

2) Today in the corporate cafeteria (never get tired of sayin' that), I heard this table of women talking about how this 60 year old woman had married someone's 95 year old rich relative and OH MY GAWD was she doing it for the money? Who was this woman? What are her motives? Surely she can't be sexually satisfied by this man! (Well perhaps if she's gone through menopause and lost all of her libido then she don't give a shit! Bring on the $$!)

This whole conversation led to a text conversation where I told my roommate that where I work is "so rich" and she said "you oscillate back and forth so much on your feelings for this place" and then I said "yeah i'm either foaming at the mouth about how much I hate it or silently weeping in the corner at the thought of leaving. It's the money." To which you ask: What's the money? The cause of your hate or your weeping? And to that I say: Yes.

3) The two people worth mentioning when I got off my train stop today:
a) A tall, very fine black man with shaved sides of his head and a stylish swept about faux hawk wearing the sweetest jacket and walkin' with a swagger.
b) A tall, not quite as fine, white man with red hair and a red beard (sometimes they are different, ok) who walked like he had knock-knees and pigeon toes. That is to say, his ankles were rolled inwards when he walked. It looked very strange.

4) I caught the 84 bus today to the red line stop which was amazing. I've discovered that if I'm running a couple of minutes late, I can catch the light to cross the street and then catch the bus in 2 minutes, which puts me at the train stop at about the normal time if I had left on time and walked the distance. Let me tell you guys, this is a miracle on ridge street. I have the morning commute down to a semi-exact science and yet the mother-effing evening commute is still a mystery to me. My stop in the morning is washington and wells but if I use that in the evening, then I have to ride around the entire loop and it adds about 15 minutes to my trip. Since I generally can't stand the commute home anyway, this is a lot. I try to assuage myself by playing mario but really I need to figure it out.

Additionally, I love that when you have your morning commute down to a science you can actually start noticing who's doing that shit with you on the regular. The only people I see pretty much every day (so far) are the bald-headed man and his wife walking down the street when I leave the apartment. I miss them on the days I catch the bus.

5) This temp job is about to leave me and I it at the end of this month, but because of Thanksgiving that means I'm probably only working 4 or 5 more days at best. I'm going to miss the stability of having a job but no more brown line for me for a while, yes thanks! Ah, temp jobs. I love thee more than I loved that permanent job I had for two days (NO JUDGING)

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