Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Moving on and Moving Out: The Musical Tribute

What is a road trip without its signifier playlist? I got the idea for this list the other night when I was listening to my New Order compilation...the second song came on (at the time I had no idea what it was called) and I found myself so enraptured that I knew I wanted to make a playlist to go with it. I call this grouping of songs The Reawakening.

It's Over Roy Orbison

Long Forgotten Fairy Tale Magnetic Fields

Feel the Love Cut Copy

Deadbeat Summer Neon Indian

French Navy Camera Obscura

Skinny Love Bon Iver

Evaporar Little Joy

*for the song below, I couldn't find a video of Luna the band actually playing, so instead I found a weird shortened version with Dean Wareham...It's better than nothing I suppose (see the absent Replacements video below for a fully formed sense of disappointment).

Moon Palace Luna

On Call Kings of Leon

*For the life of me I couldn't find this song on youtube--I guess the Replacements were too early for this youtube crap. Either way, I did find a Hole cover. So if you're interested in hearing Courtney Love sing a Replacements song...well, I didn't deign to include it. But now you know the key words for a youtube search.
Unsatisfied The Replacements

Skeletons Yeah Yeah Yeahs

...and the coup de grace....

Dreams Never End New Order

and something else to think about: today I was driving to meet a friend and I was on a very popular street that has lots of crosswalks that aren't at actual intersections. One of the cardinal rules of driving, I have found, is to be decisive--because indecisiveness is often what causes accidents. So if you're going to stop, stop. If you're going to drive, drive. Never decide to stop for a yellow light in the middle of an intersection or momentarily hesitate in taking a left turn that could potentially cut someone off.

Okay, now that I've rationalized my driving philosophy, I can relate the rest of this episode guilt free. Basically, on this pedestrian-heavy street, there are signs at the non-intersection cross walks that say "Yield to Pedestrians--it's state law." So I was driving along, a couple of minutes late, and saw that a girl was beginning to cross the street, but she bailed out. Right before I was at the intersection I realized some other guy I hadn't seen before was beginning to cross the street but I was committed to driving through and I knew I wouldn't hit him so I kept going. He stopped in the middle of the intersection when he realized I wasn't slowing down and yelled out "Hey look at the sign" in a very angry voice. And, forgetting my windows were open and that I was only going about 20 mph, I retaliated with "yeah yeah yeah fuck you." Oh, you think that you're living in the kind and gracious South, but ya ain't.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly- I just jumped on the blog bandwagon, and am now creepily seeking out all my friends that are doing the same thing. Post-college malaise breeds strange things. Anyway, good luck with the move, you should holler at me some time and let me know how things are going!


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